Letter: The praise-and-blame game

Sir: I think there is another Sturgeon paradox (‘Queen of Scots’, 5 December): that getting independence might actually damage her modus operandi. Currently she is able to pin anything which goes wrong on Westminster and take anything which goes right for herself. Lower prevalence of coronavirus in Scotland? Well, that’s because of Scotland’s control over health policy. What about the higher Covid death rate in Scotland then? Well, that’s because Scotland doesn’t have enough control over health policy. The sharing of powers allows blame and praise to be attributed as it suits. Yet only Sturgeon and the Nationalists can play this game. If the Unionists did so it would play straight into Sturgeon’s hands: ‘The Westminster elite are blaming us for their mistakes.’ This tactic is part of what has enabled the independence cause to surge so swiftly these past few years. But if Sturgeon gets what she wants, the game’s over. With independence, that narrative no longer works. Any blame would fall squarely on her shoulders. George Campkin Seaview, Isle of Wight

Grade inflation may be due to overemphasis on university rankings

Grade inflation has been a well-worn topic of discussion for years. It seems to have permeated all levels of education in the UK, but is particularly evident in undergraduate degrees. Grades have never been higher. Perhaps this is all down to the students never having been brighter, teachers never more effective, and universities never more supportive. This would be lovely if true, but I fear it’s a fairy tale.

The Government needs to open up to be saved from itself

If a week is a long time in politics, then a whole year really is a long old time. For a year as packed as 2020, this is perhaps truer than ever. Think back to the UK leaving the EU. It feels like a different age, but it was only the start of this year that Brexit 50p coins were rolling into circulation and Nigel Farage et al. were singing and dancing around Westminster. The Government has done a lot since then, but a deeply concerning theme has emerged that ties much of it together.

Warwick students react to the US Election result

Trump is yet to concede the election. No losing presidential candidate has refused to concede since the convention first began in 1896. The fact that such a long shadow has been cast over the election result by his refusal to make a customary speech shows just how powerful conventions are. In a country which prides itself on the rigidity and concision of its constitution, one wouldn’t usually expect customs and conventions to hold any great value.

It’s getting boring: the frustrating phenomenon of three-word slogans

You might protest that three word slogans in politics are nothing particularly new. Indeed, if you trawl through the slogans used in UK General Elections over the last couple of decades, you’d struggle to find many that don’t fit this form. ‘Forward, not Back’, ‘Vote for Change’, ‘Ambitions for Britain’, ‘Make the Difference’, and ‘Yes We Can’ are but a taste of the wider smorgasbord. The format has been oft-used by every party for some time now. And for good reason – it’s a highly effective tool. The rule of three is a rhetorical device as old as time. Call it what you want – tricolon, tripartite motto, hendiatris, or even omne trium perfectum – it works. There’s a reason why Caesar didn’t tack another word beginning with ‘v’ onto ‘Veni, vidi, vici’, and why Nike chose ‘Just Do It’.

Letter: what unites the two sides of the mask debate

Sir: While I empathise with Douglas Murray feeling ‘uncharacteristically torn’ over the mask debate (‘The transatlantic mask divide’, 10 October), I’m not sure there is any real ‘divide’. The two sides are just reflections of each other. The public debate has become one of sickening virtue-signalling. Pro-mask public figures like to pretend that their mask is the healthcare equivalent of Trident and look down their noses at anyone who suggests otherwise. In the opposite corner, the anti-maskers go almost to the point of licking each other’s faces in defiance of the bits of cloth they view as a government-issued ball and chain.

It is a dangerous game to be so critical of society

I went on Twitter this morning and saw two tweets which I thought stood slightly uneasily next to each other. The first one was someone calling for the UK police force to be abolished – not reviewed, not reformed, but eliminated. No more police. Full stop. The second one was one of those slightly wacky ‘shower thoughts’ quotes – ‘Think about this: you are the sum total of a 14 billion year chain of unbroken cosmic evolution now thinking about itself’.

Coronavirus is putting the spotlight on the purpose of politics

When Boris Johnson came onto our televisions and announced the lockdown, the whole situation suddenly became a lot more real. No longer was this just something to mention alongside comments about the weather. No longer was it something that was just happening to others. Within the space of about a week, we went from singing songs while washing hands to not being able to leave the house other than for essential food shopping and one form of exercise a day.